Saturday, 15 November 2008


So, I really should be doing school... But I'm not!!!
School Pictures, Images and Photos
I despise school at the moment. I'm in an Anatomy & Physiology Class- which I expected to LOVE- but I don't. And I don't feel like doing my lab so... here's a nonsense blog!
a little nonsense Pictures, Images and Photos
Let's see... what can I come up with? Well, first and foremost on my mind...
twilight Pictures, Images and Photos
The Twilight Saga has ROCKED MY SOCKS!! I adored the books and I am super-psyched about the movie coming out THIS FRIDAY! Although I will be in Germany this weekend...
Germany n Stahlhelm Pictures, Images and Photos
Yay! I will be viewing Twilight the very second I return!!

Um, what else? Oh! I bought and IPod!!!
iPod Classic Pictures, Images and Photos
It was an extravagence of the highest order but it makes life so much... dancier. It's like having a soundtrack to life! Like when Peter on Family Guy gets that Genie to grant him "theme music" for his daily routine.
family guy Pictures, Images and Photos

Anyhoo, Jax is growing like a weed. Seriously. I put him into size 8 at the beginning of the school year and got rid of all his 6/7. And the 8's were HUGE on him so I felt a little silly for having gotten rid of all the old sizes. And now the 8's are getting SMALL! I swear to you this kid has seriously grown two inches in two months! He's up to my shoulder now!!! He eats on a pretty constant basis grazing like a cow. Which leads me to tell you... I made Lumpia!

Lumpia is a Philipino dish. It's like an egg-roll, sorta. It's got cabbage, carrot, onion and all sorts of yummy goodness. My friends mom, who is originally from the Philipines, showed me how to make them. Bless her heart!
BLESS YOU Pictures, Images and Photos
Thanksgiving is coming. I don't think I'm doing a meal this year. Think we're just going to order a Chinese take-away. I'll be REALLY thankful for THAT! Probably still make a couple of pies though.
thanksgiving Pictures, Images and Photos
Kurt and Jax are heading home for Christmas to Virgina. They're going to have a blast. And I'm going to have the Christmas Cookies all to myself!! Mwahahaha!
Cookies Pictures, Images and Photos
If the landlord okays it we're going to have a new kitchen installed, maybe over the Christmas holiday! Oh Bliss!!
Kitchen, all remodeled! Pictures, Images and Photos
I don't think that's what it's going to look like... but an extractor fan that works, works for me! They are going with a lighter wood this time to try and brighten the TINY space up and lowering the cabinets. (No short jokes are I'm banning you from my blog...)
im not short Pictures, Images and Photos
Alright... Kurt's back from the store so I better get to work. Dang it! If I ever get a day off I'll write you all a proper blog. One with actual updates and less nonsense. But my brain is on overload at the moment so what you see is what you get!!

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Oldie but a Goodie

I'm getting old... Here's how I know:

Old Lady Pictures, Images and Photos

The cold is starting to bother me.
i hate the cold.. Pictures, Images and Photos
In the surprising accurate photo above you can see a person all bundled up in winter garb. That's me. I work outside most of the time. Packing Russian Dolls in a barn, delivering sandwiches to remote sites... and the cold is starting to make me angry. I think I was excited about the nip in the autumn air for about .5 seconds and the WHAM! Cranky. I'm avoiding baths and showers like a 10 year old boy cause it's just so darn chilly when you get out!! And I'm not turning up the heating... cause I'm old.

Food that was once my friend has turned on me!
female body builder Pictures, Images and Photos
What once could be whipped into shape during a whirlwind week at the gym now takes dedicated months of sacrifice! Ridiculous!!
Fat Lady Sings Pictures, Images and Photos
The reign of processed food is officially over. I find myself looking at nutrition labels for things such as "fiber" and "calories". And I think, off and on (mostly off), about the benefits of a vegetarian diet (bacon being the exception obviously). Who knows about organic food?? Get at me... cause I'm old.

I love to sit.
The Secret of Life Pictures, Images and Photos
I creak like a rusty gate.
rusty gate.... Pictures, Images and Photos
I am now aware of how I look when I bend over and what light and angle should be presented.
bending over Pictures, Images and Photos
I don't mind the wrinkles... they add character. But I'm getting crochety and so is Kurt...

And, God willing, we've got 50 more years or so of this...
old couple Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, 13 September 2008


Oh, I have been BUSY!

Busy busy bee Pictures, Images and Photos

I've been working... A LOT! I feel a lot like this little guy. Only insert sandwiches and Russian Dolls where the buckets are...
working too damned hard Pictures, Images and Photos
Anyhoo, Enough Pity Party for me!
Sunday night pity party Pictures, Images and Photos

What have The Wards been up to (other than working a lot... obviously)??

Well, let's recap. First- The Boy.

This summer Jax won a gold medal at the local library for reading!

He started back at St. Mary's, Year 1, Hedgehog Class!
Reports so far have been good and apparently he reads at an 8 year, 4 month old level. Nice! Clever boy. Also, his maths are good and he was elected to the Eco-Council. NERD! (Just like his Mama...)

I bought Jax a tent bed... cause it's awesome. He loves it. It's a train "just like PopPop drives"!

Embarrassing Blackmail Photo...

And onto Kurt:
Rugby started again. Much to my chagrin.

Check out this shiner!!

Kurt is fine... although my busy schedule does not leave much room for the hearty home cooked meals and desserts he so loves. And yet he soldiers on. What a trooper.

And me:

Well, what can I say?

50s Housewife Pictures, Images and Photos
I found time to chop all my hair off.

And I've recently discovered the exorbinate amounts of calories I eat in a day. Don't know why I never checked that before! Good thing I'm so darn active... and I just ordered the Sweating to the Oldies DVDs!!

Richard Simmons Pictures, Images and Photos

And so with school, rugby, bakesales, PTA, playdates, mom & wifely duties I remain...
Jack of all trades Pictures, Images and Photos

Master of the Power Nap!
A little power nap... Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, 27 August 2008


Apparently there's some of you out there who think we should share the wonder and joys of Christmas with Jackson. I'm personally not for it but here's his gift list by request. See if you can spot a theme!

The following items can all be convieniently found on

Behold The Ultimate Omnitrex... feel it's POWER!

season 4
Ben 10 Season 4

ben 10 hat
Ben 10 hat... ain't it purdy?!

ben 10 jammies
Ben 10 Jammies... size XL Men's. NO KURT- THESE ARE FOR JAX! (Size 7... 8 if you can find it!)

ben 10 activity book
Ben 10 Scratch & Show Activity Book... awesome as awesome gets.

ben 10 bedspread
This one's kinda pricey... go ahead and buy two. ;)

ben 10 sneakers
Size 2 if you're in the market!

ben 10 action figure
Honestly, any of the Ben 10 action figures would make Jax happy as a lamb.

So, as you can see- Ben 10 has completely encapsalated our lives. We LIVE for Ben 10... We LOVE Ben 10... We will love YOU for sending us Ben 10.

Okay, we'll even love you if you don't.

Monday, 25 August 2008

All I want for Christmas...

is not my "two front teeth".

I have experienced lately the frustration that is internet shopping while located overseas. It's an odd experience. They will randomly not ship certain things. I will list as follows... is guilty of:

monkey drink dispenser
The most adorable monkey drink dispenser EVER! And... I can't have it. I have the plates, cups, cookie jar, salt and pepper shakers all ordered from the same site BUT... no drink dispenser. Dumb.

ohio state remote
Does this Ohio State Universal Remote look dangerous to you? Apparently thinks so... cause they won't send it to me overseas! How friggin' random! is guilty of:

carpet sweeper
Why God, Why?! Carpets are dirty in England too!! Oh, Bissell 2201B Swift Sweep Sweeper... I regret that we have never had the chance to meet...

ohio state gym bag
This may have just been a certain company but I met their misfortune through Amazon so onto the Blog-O-Shame you go! also hates clean carpets... they won't send me any vacuum bags:
Vacuum Bags
My mom kindly sent me a pack of ten in a care package she has going. LOVE YOU MOMMY! (Hate you Wal*Mart!)

Bath & Body works has forsaken me as such:

bath and body works gel
I can have LOTION but not GEL? Good Golly... there's no rhyme or reason to this torture! (military shopping) really got my goat on this one:
TV Cabinet
Now, these folks are supposed to cater to the military... and they won't ship this stuff overseas! I wanted this Sauder® Camden County Corner Entertainment Stand so bad I could taste it!!! But alas...

So, good stateside people, if you're in the market to get me something for Christmas and you're looking for ideas... please feel free to refer to this blog. You'd make me a very happy woman and I'd like to think, in some small way, we'd be sticking it to the man.

Also... I like this thing:
dirt devil
That my friends is the Dirt Devil KONE Hand Vacuum. It is stylish AND useful. Much like myself. I would possess it...

The old stand-by... if you send these it's an automatic appointment to being my best friend ever!

hershey tin I'm just saying!

workout dvd
So I can keep eating those TastyKakes & Hershey gift baskets that come rolling in... The Biggest Winner - How to Win by Losing: The Complete Body Workout.

I've wanted a Swiss Army Knife for a while. They seem pretty darn cool and useful. Like something Chuck Norris would carry around.

I'll let you go now so you can get to shopping!!! xoxox, Very Deserving Blogger (I LOVE YOU ALL! <- Shameless ploy for gifts!)