Monday, 26 October 2009

Progress Report!

Thumbs up for sunshine!!! (Oh, how we miss you...)

We were very lucky to be able to visit Kurt for a month this summer in Turkey... and we were able to take a day trip over to Greece. It's beautiful there and the food is awesome!
We had a SEVERIOUSLY good time!

Except for the ferry ride over... I get very ferry boat sick...

Jax & Kurt were obviously fine... Meh.

When we got home-
Jax started his 1st Grade year at DODDS School on base!

He's already brought home TWO Golden Rockies... for jobs well done!

We're SO proud of the progress he's made! He's become a little man and is becoming so independent. He has been an absolute treasure.

And he lost another tooth!

Oh! And this summer we got to visit The States too!

Specifically VA & PA...
Poppy & Jax between trips to 7-11!!

Jax hanging out with his PopPop in PA!

Pops took him on his first fishing trip and he caught THREE fish!!

Our travels were exhausting... but worth it!!

Kurt was home for a quick visit in October and he'll be back for a week in early November.

Everybody just keep their fingers crossed that he gets an early return date soon! (By Christmas if we get a miracle or two!) I know that we're really, really lucky to have these opportunities to visit and we're luckier than most but I just can't help wanting him home for good.

We're doing okay. Okay, Jax is doing great and I'm doing okay...

I really miss my husband! And not just for his dish washing ability.

For his ability to be a partner to me in all things.

He's my best friend and I'd really love to have him home!

I mean, look at this guy! Who wouldn't miss this face?!

1 comment:

BAHGL said...

Hey girl!
I am missing your blog posts!!
I am glad you are reunited with your man AND that you are expecting! SO excited for you!!
I LOVE Greece and Greek Food! YUMMO!
Miss you girl!