Thursday 17 July 2008

Harry Potter!


I pretty much watch the movies on a constant loop when Kurt & Jax will let me... and now I'm working my way through the books.

The new movie: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out in November!!! I can not wait! Kurt just picked up a copy of the book for me at the library. (Yay for lovely husband!) I'm going to have to chain myself to the radiator when it comes out because I'm waiting for my wonderful friend Mae to come back from her wedding in the states to go and watch it in nerdy partnership with her! I've told her she needs to cancel that pesky wedding so we can go and watch in a timely fashion... but she hasn't relented... yet.

J.K. Rowling is a genius.

She invented this whole universe! I adore her and if I ever have the good fortune of meeting her I will give her a great big hug! And then I will ask her to introduce me to Rupert Grint...
I'm a sucker for a ginger... ;)

Anyhoo, this post is probably far too long to proclaim my love of all things Potter... BUT I DON'T CARE!

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